Friday, October 19, 2007

Help Me Save My Marriage - 4 Easy Steps to Saving A Marriage

Are you under the impression that 50 percent of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce? That used to be a commonly quoted statistic but as of 2005 that figure has dropped to 37 percent, this according to No doubt every one of those divorced couples said, "help me save my marriage" before finalizing their split. What are some of the steps you can be taking right now to help you save your marriage?

Help Me Save My Marriage - Step #1

The best first step forward is counseling. Couples therapy allows you and your spouse to discuss problems within a neutral context. Oft times we are so close to the situation that we lose our perspective. Even through the darkest moments there is a bond that brought you or your spouse to your marriage. Key to success is finding that bond. Couples therapy can help you with this.

Help Me Save My Marriage - Step #2

Couples counseling can be expensive and not everyone can afford it nor will everyone go. If you are seeking a solution for your marriage, critical for success is maintaining a neutral perspective. Everyone brings good and bad to relationships and sometimes we become so caught up in what is happening that we only focus on the bad. This can quickly alienate a spouse and turn the tables on healing.

Help Me Save My Marriage - Step #3

Communicating with your spouse is critical to managing a marriage. One of the greatest problems with any marriage - in fact, any relationship - is communication. The only way to really know what someone is thinking is to ask. Mind reading, while many of us do it, is dangerous and destructive. Rather than jump to conclusions we must have accurate information. Whenever we judge other people without knowing all the facts we make mistakes that are hard to undo. Judge not lest ye be judged is an excellent adage. Always ask questions in a loving and respectful manner.

Help Me Save My Marriage - Step #4

Some marriages are worth saving and others aren't. Ask yourself questions about how you feel in your marriage. Are you happy with your partner? Do you have anything in common? Many times people grow apart and it's actually better for them to part ways rather to go on in anger or hatred.

There is no doubt, however, that the best solution is consulting a neutral third party. If you're thinking "help me save my marriage" take action as soon as possible by consulting with someone or getting information on how to reconcile. You stand a 63 percent chance of success!

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